


大正14年(1925年)に創業者と懇意にしていた宮大工(※)により建てられました。 切妻造の桟瓦葺、小屋組みはキングポストトラス、下見板張りを基調にし、 妻面は破風を白漆喰壁としたハーフテインバー風に意匠を凝らしています。

(※)大木吉太郎 関東大震災後の社寺の修復や教会建築などに尽力した奈良の宮大工

This building was first constructed in 1925 by temple and shrine carpenter OHKI Kichitaro, who was a close friend of the founder KITA Yoshijiro. This building adopted certain elaborate designs such as Kirtsuma-tukuri (gabled roof style), sangawarabuki (pantile roofing), king post truss, shitami itabari style (wooden clapboard), half-timbered style with plaster walls and so on. ※ OHKI Kichitaro is a famous temple and shrine carpenter in Nara who devoted himself to the repair of temples and shrines after the Great Tokyo Earthquake (of 1923). Also, he constructed a magnificent Christian church in semi-Western style in Nara, which was made of Japanese cypress. This architecture was registered as an important cultural property in 2015.
